Re: [ Creed Discuss ] MOP

From: "Nanci" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Fri
19 Jul 2002 09:05:47 -0400

I know I am answering this a little late, but I had to go to sleep last night, my brain just keep getting fuzzy. 
Comedic value? can't see it, now if he had said some other Food Group, it might have been funny, but....
----- Original Message -----
From: Kimberly Reid
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] MOP

Hmph!  He THINKS it has comedic value, Nanci.......

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Joe Earles"
Oh, so the question is "Why Chess?" Not simply "Chess?"
Okay, I chose it because its totally out of place and therefore has comedic value.

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